We flew from Manila to Tokyo via All Nippon Airways (ANA) and were billeted overnight at Royal Park Hotel, attached to the airport. For convenience’s sake, our tour operator changed our accommodation from an ordinary inn 10 train stations away as we had a 0900 flight the next day.

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN
After checking out of the hotel, we took a 10-minute shuttle bus to the domestic terminal which looked more international than our Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 2

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN
Checking-in was fast and there were several lanes for security check where water bottles were tested with a detector. If the light turns green, you're free to go with your bottle. If red, the officers will open and smell it which was what happened to my tour mate but she was still given back her bottle with contents intact. I almost expected them to drink from it just to be sure.

Also, even though it was a domestic airport, perhaps being foreigners, we were asked to present our passports.

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN
While waiting at the gate, my group and I noticed a sea of black suits. Almost everyone was male donning the same salaryman look which made our small tour group of six stick out.

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN
Boarding was prompt and fast which was impressive given how many the passengers were for an overbooked 3-4-3 seating plane.

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN
After a smooth takeoff, blankets were offered followed by a choice of soup, coffee, green tea and water served in pitchers. I just had water.

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN
The hole on the table tray makes a lot of sense to keep the cupt steady. I wonder why not all aircrafts have this feature.

There was a centralized in-flight entertainment from the old days but I did not bother with it as I tried to catch some ZZZZs---something most passengers in my section did. The rest were reading from a print book that curiously was all the same size.

The flight was smooth throughout except for a mild turbulence upon reaching Sapporo prompting an announcement with an assurance that we were not in danger. I think that's the first time I have heard an announcement like that which had a positive psychological effect on me.

Before landing, I went to the toilet and saw another first: a full-size body mirror so you can see how you look while heeding the call of nature. That was too much for me as I looked at everything else except my reflection. 

Also, the toilet was kind of spacious compared to the usual airline toilets I have seen including those in the business class. You don't have to worry about hitting your elbows against the wall or sink for every inch that you move inside.

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN
We finally landed at New Chitose Airport and found our assigned carousel easily enough with no escalator or walkalator rides. It took quite a bit for my luggage to be given up which gave me time to notice that the carousel was kind of low compared to other airports.

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN

Copyright photo: The Paranoid Traveler/PFN


This flight review is part of a four-part series. Click here for Part OnePart Three, or Part Four.

1 comment:

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