Israel Defence Force Team Arrives in the Philippines

An Israel Defence Force team departed on Wednesday aboard a Boeing 747 bound for the Philippines on a humanitarian mission to provide aid to the storm ravaged city of Tacloban.

Image Source: Israel Defence Forces/Facebook
The 148-member team is comprised of national search and rescue officials and senior doctors in the Israel Defence Force medical corps that will be responsible for setting up a "multi-department medical facility" to provide medical care for Typhoon Haiyan casualties in Tacloban. 

The facility will feature children's, women's and ambulatory care departments as well as a department for general admissions. The medical facility will be equipped with approximately 100 tons of humanitarian and medical supplies from Israel. 

A team of six medical and logistics experts from the Israel Defence Force arrived in the Philippines on Tuesday to seek an optimal location for the field hospital. An emergency response team dispatched to the Philippines by the Israeli disaster relief organization IsraAid has been on the ground working in Tacloban since Monday. The team is primarily composed of paramedics that will conduct an initial assessment. Upon completion of the assessment, additional professionals will be deployed including specialists in child safety and trauma experts. 


  1. The Filipinos I am sure joins each member of the IDF delegation in celebrating Hanuka in a different way, by healing and rebuilding, making this years Hanuka even more memorable.

    The IDF is undefeated in any battle arena, they know what they need and they develop their own armaments. They strike with a firm understanding of effects based operations. And the ladies in the IDF are attractive, captivating, gorgeous, disarming and deadly. So the IDF's presence and contribution in such a place is truly remarkable. Fearsome fighters with a soft spot for those in despair. Indeed Gods chosen people.

    Very impressive.

    Thank you and Shalom.


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